Burned toast

burned toast 2 smDon’t let burned toast stop you or ruin your day. You’re going to burn the toast sometimes. When you burn the toast, do you become upset? Burned toast is something that happens to everyone. Sometimes it’s in our control and other times it’s not. When something bad happens, consider what the scale of the mishap is. Is it just burned toast or something bigger? Often times our problems are small but they get blown out of proportion.

How do you deal with your burned toast? Try this—laugh about it. Adjust your attitude for the magnitude of the problem. That’s what I do. It seems silly but it makes me feel better, even if I just torched the last piece of bread in the house and I’m hungry. I’m not paid by my ability to make toast, so my best remedy is to let the problem go and look for something else to eat.

“You can’t be brave if you’ve only had wonderful things happen to you.” – Mary Tyler Moore

Listen to the audio edition here

Book Aaron as the speaker for your next event and learn from his stories of dealing with burned toast and bigger problems.

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